Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Upcoming Events in 2015!

Good morning friends and fellow quilters, its almost 2015!  I hope everyone celebrated the holidays and are ready for one more -- Happy New Year!  We have been working on our 2015 calendar and want to make sure everyone is up to date on what we have going on this year.  Below I have listed our schedule for 2015.  We will be collecting dues at our January 17 meeting and hope many of you will join us this year.  If you are unable to attend but would like to join, you can mail us a check or we can send you a PayPal invoice plus $1.50 for service fees.  KMQG has a set schedule for the third Saturday of every month and social time begins at 10:15 AM.  Our meetings all take place at Westminster Presbyterian Church located at 6500 Northshore Dr., Knovxille, TN 37919.

Sign-Up for Pile O Fabric's BOM, Technicolor Galaxy, OPEN NOW! 
Email us if you would like to join in and receive the (significant) group discount!

Sign-Up for 'Posy Patrol' Workshop with Dana Bolyard of www.oldredbarnco.com, OPEN NOW!
Email us (modknoxville@gmail.com) if you would like to sign up or for more information.  April 4, 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Patchwork Threads  Will have a Discount Code for MQG Members through January 31.
January 17, 2015: 10:15 Social Time 10:30 Meeting Begins
2015 Dues Collected $40
Annual YARD SALE!  Bring anything you would like to destash and cash to shop for new quilting goodies.
Quilting Resolutions for the New Year
Free Motion Quilting Workshop-Basic All Over Designs (Bring a small, basted quilt sandwich and your machine - prepped with a free motion quilting foot)
Sew-In until 5:00 PM

February 19-22: QUILTCON in Austin, TX
Biannual Conference by The Modern Quilt Guild
We will not have a monthly meeting this month!

February 26:  Week Night Open House
Bring your modern quilts, patterns, fabrics to share with visitors.

March 21, 2015: 10:15 Social Time 10:30 Meeting Begins
T-Shirt Quilt Lecture from Julie Callis of Fishtail Designs
Left Right Center Game (3 FQs needed to participate - theme not yet decided)

April 7, 2015: Deadline for Quilt Entries in Smoky Mountain Quilter's 2015 Quilt Show : Enter those MODERN QUILTS!

April 18, 2015:
Monthly Meeting at regular scheduled time, review and briefing of QuiltCon for those who can't attend.
Fabric Swap

Also this year"
Quarterly Sew-Ins
Challenges (with prizes)
Fall Retreat
Charity Block Drives
5 Year Anniversary Party

I hope many of you will join us for another fun year of modern fabrics and quilting fun.  The Knoxville Modern Quilt Guild is for residents in and around Knoxville who have an interest in modern design and quilting. We hope to provide members with a community where modern quilters can meet, share ideas and and create in an environment that encourages creativity and acceptance. Our guild is a member of the International Modern Quilt Guild