Thank you so much to Julie and Jan from Fishtail Designs for coming to visit us! They shared some of their favorite techniques for sewing with t-shirts and some great recommendations for fitting lots of various sizes of t-shirt designs into a quilt. Thanks for sharing, ladies!

Dana Bolyard Workshop
Sign ups are still open for the Dana Bolyard workshop that will take place April 4, 2015! We have just a few spots left! We will be making the cover quilt from Imagine Quilts. (Posy Patrol) Use THIS FORM to sign up!
2015 Dues
Dues are $40.00 for the 2015 calendar year. If you haven't paid your dues, please fill out this Membership Application and pay your dues via PayPal or by check (details are on the application). It's not too late to join!
Smoky Mountain Quilter's Quilt Show 2015
Be sure to plan and START your modern quilt for the Smoky Mountain Quilter's Quilt Show! We're so excited that our local guild's quilt show has a modern category, so please be sure to make something to share with our fellow quilters! You can find the entry form here. The fee to enter a quilt is $15.00 and this not a juried show, so if you are one of the first 200 to enter, your quilt will hang! Entry deadline is April 7, 2015. Please note your quilt does not need to be completed by then. All that is required for entry is a photo of the quilt top. So get started on your quilt and make sure to enter this year!
Budget Adjustment
We had $200.00 budgeted for taxes this year. Lucky us, we incurred NO fee for filing taxes this year! It was suggested that $150.00 of these funds be used for guest speakers and $50.00 to go to travel expenses for our speakers and guests. This adjustment was approved by the membership.

Stars for Stephanie
We have had an amazing response to our Wonky Star block drive in memory of our member, Stephanie Hicks. You can read more about the block drive above. We have collected 80 blocks so far! Thank you everyone for your generous donations. We will be accepting block donations until April 18, 2015.
Anvil Charity Quilt Block (This block drive has been postponed to July)
We are collecting more of 'The Anvil' quilt blocks for our charity block drive. Please use ONLY solid fabrics. The background should be yellow or white and anvil designs can be in any rainbow color. Here is the tutorial. Please note this is a 12.5" unfinished block. Feel free to make as many as you like and bring them to the July meeting.
KMQG Summer Mini Quilt Swap!
We just love swaps!! If you are interested in participating in our mini quilt swap, please fill out this form. Sign ups are open until April 18 and the quilts will be swapped July 18! You can read more about mini quilts here.
Interest in Fall Retreat??
Are you interested in attending a Fall KMQG Retreat at The Whistlestop Quilt Retreat? Fill out this form and let us know what dates work for you!
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us this past Saturday! We had a great time!
Upcoming Events
April 4 - 1PM - 5PM - Cedar Bluff Branch Public Library - Dana Bolyard Posy Patrol Workshop
April 18 - 10:15 AM - 5PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - *5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY!* Monthly Meeting followed by a Sew In! Stars for Stephanie blocks due. We will also have a yardage swap - if you want to participate, please bring 1 yard of any Tula Pink, Anna Maria Horner or Cotton & Steel fabric. The fabric will be cut up during the meeting and you will receive a bundle of all the different fabrics!
May 16 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
June 20 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
July 18 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
August 15 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
September 19 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
October 17 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
November 21 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
December 19 - 10:15 AM - 12PM - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Monthly Meeting
Hope to see many of you in April! Please e-mail us at with any questions you might have.