Dana Bolyard Workshop
Sign ups are still open for the Dana Bolyard workshop! We need three more people to sign up in order for this workshop to happen. We will be making the cover quilt from Imagine Quilts. (Posy Patrol) You have until February 3rd to sign up and pay for the class if you are interested. Use THIS FORM to sign up! If we cannot secure the minimum number of attendees, you will receive a refund for the workshop.
2015 Dues
Dues are $40.00 for the 2015 calendar year. If you haven't paid your dues, please fill out this Membership Application and pay your dues via PayPal or by check (details are on the application). It's not too late to join!
QuiltCon Charity Quilt
Our QuiltCon Charity Quilt has arrived safely in Austin! We'll be sure to take pictures of it hanging at the show! We are so thankful to everyone for all their hard work and donations of fabric and time. Thank you all so much!

Pile O' Fabric Skillbuilder BOM 2015
We have a few remaining coupon codes for Alyssa Lichner's Technicolor Galaxy BOM for 25% off for participating due-paying KMQG members. E-mail us for more details!

Smoky Mountain Quilter's Quilt Show 2015
Be sure to plan and START your modern quilt for the Smoky Mountain Quilter's Quilt Show! We're so excited that our local guild's quilt show has a modern category, so please be sure to make something to share with our fellow quilters! You can find the entry form here. The fee to enter a quilt is $15.00 and this not a juried show, so if you enter, your quilt will hang! Entry deadline is April 7, 2015. Please note your quilt does not need to be completed by then. All that is required for entry is a photo of the quilt top. So get started on your quilt and make sure to enter this year!
Budget Submission for 2015
The budget for 2015 was created and submitted to guild members for approval. The 2015 budget was approved unanimously!
Bylaw Amendments for 2015
In reviewing our bylaws to make sure we were compliant, we noted several sections that needed updated wording in order to reflect our current practices. A rewording of sections 3.2, 3.3 and 7.5 was proposed. These bylaw amendments were seconded and passed unanimously! We will be sure to post the updated bylaws shortly.
New Years Quilty Resolutions for 2015
We each wrote down 5 quilting relations resolutions for ourselves for 2015. The secretary is in charge of holding these resolutions until December, at which time we will get to see how well we did at meeting our resolutions! We will award prizes for those who completed their resolutions!
Anvil Charity Quilt Block
We are collecting more of 'The Anvil' quilt blocks for our charity block drive. Please use ONLY solid fabrics. The background should be yellow or white and anvil designs can be in any rainbow color. Here is the tutorial. Please note this is a 12.5" unfinished block. Feel free to make as many as you like and bring them to the March meeting.
Yearly Yard Sale & Destash
We hope you were able to find some fun new-to-you fabric to use and to also unload some of your unused fabric stash!
Freemotion Quilting Demo
Melissa showed us some of her favorite all over quilting patterns! She showed us all of these designs: Stippling, Swirly Loops, Wavy Lines, Cursive F's, Echo Shells, Leaves, Repeating Mod Squares & more! Thanks for showing us your (super FAST) quilting style, Melissa! YOU ARE FEARLESS!
Sew In
We had a sew in following our meeting. It was great to see what everyone was working on!
Be sure to check our Facebook page for some pictures from the meeting!
Upcoming Events
February 26 -
March 21 - Monthly Meeting (T-Shirt Quilts with Julie Callis of Fishtail Designs. We will also be playing our LRC fabric game! Bring 3 Fat Quarters of Modern Blenders (small to medium prints comprised of 1 or 2 colors) for a chance to win ALL the fat quarters from everyone!
Hope to see many of you in March! Please e-mail us with any questions you might have.