Sunday, December 22, 2019

December Meeting Recap

We had a great holiday party at the December meeting! The food was delicious and it was fun to see what everyone made for their swap partners.

In addition to celebrating the season, we took care of some guild business, mainly the  KMQG 2020 Board election. The officers for the coming year are:

Chair: Elizabeth Rea
Secretary: Misty Benson
Treasurer: Christy Cooper
Education Coordinator: Sarah Elliott

Founding Directors: Mary Beth Meadows, Emily Doane, Jennifer Grace

Of course, it wouldn't be a KMQG meeting without Show & Tell. Here is a look at what everyone has been working on and this year's swap gifts.


Michelle B




Aimee made this cute pillow for Margo

Ana made this adorable bag for Emily

Christy made this lovely pillow for Sarah

The beautiful mini Elizabeth made for Sandy

Emily made this fun pillow for Ginger

The cute bag Erin made for Aimee

Check out this charming Wonderland themed mini Ginger made for Michelle

Halle made this pretty folded organizer for Ana

Jo made this funky quilt top for Phyllis

Look at this beautiful bag Liz made for Rosalind

Margo made these sweet mats for Halle

Look at the cool pouch Michelle made for Sherri

Misty made this awesome bag for Erin

Phyllis made this stunning pillow for Elizabeth

Look at the delightful bag Rosalind made for Christy

Check out this very adorable pouch Sandy made for MIsty

The fantastic set Sherri made for Liz

Next meeting: Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 10:15 AM.
We'll be having a sew-in so bring your machines! This will be a great opportunity to make some charity blocks or get help with one of your current WIPs.